Friday, September 18, 2009

Family Pictures

Here are some of our family pictures we took in May!

{aDDi iN a NuT SHeLL}

Addi Loves just about everything! She is starting to talk alot. She can say mama, dada, doggie, hi, bye, see ya later, and hello (but only when she has a phone). She does sign language. She knows how to sign puppy, kitty, horse, mom, dad, baby, please, more, bite, and thirsty. She is so cute and is growing up so fast! She is the biggest flirt ever! We have figured out that she isn't affraid of guys, she just likes to sit far away and flirt with them! We could have a big problem on our hands! She loves going for rides and when she is ready to go it's time to go! She points towards the door and starts to wave! She loves playing with her dolls and purses, and everyones cell phones. She loves to be outside and with animals. And she is deffinately going to be our little rodeo girl! She is so fun and we love her so much! Here are some pics of her from this summer!

Her 1st birthday party!

Cute toes!

At the rodeo!

Sleeping a a softball game

Being a big girl!

Looking at the horses

Wearing a bowl as a hat

All her hair now fits in one pony tail

She is a fantastic mess maker. All this took about 5 min.

She is a good nap taker!

And she loves Whittney and Nathan's cat Edgar!

In her cute tutu Whittney made her!

Playing in the irrigation water. Which she loved!

Driving Whittney's truck! She learns from the best!! Girls drive Trucks!!!

Eating a banana while mommy and Whittney scrapbook!

She is very good at sorting laundry.
And if she has a basket she will clean your whole house!

Her best friend Moo Cow!

Her new cowboy boots!